Monday 6 June 2011

Shavuot Menu

I thought I would share my menu with you – I am keeping it simple because I do not have the time to be in the kitchen for hours on end this week. Plus there is Shabbat to think about too.

Tues Night:

Light Fettucine Alfredo with a large leafy salad (Joy of Kosher Magazine)
Ice Cream – Cookies n Cream or Vanilla

Wednesday Lunch – we are invited out (yay!!)

Wednesday Night:

Breaded fish filets
Creamy Smashed Potatoes with Chives (JoK magazine)
Steamed Peas

Cheesecake for dessert – store bought.  Yeah I know – I have yet to master the art of cheesecake, so sue me!

Thursday Lunch:

We are doing fleishigs because my boys will be whining by then about how much dairy we will have had. Not that they are lactarded or anything but they are meat and potato people. However I am going simple – cold cuts, and potato salad (I want to make this one but the KoD doesn’t eat tomatoes), coleslaw, pasta salad – I might throw together a big leafy salad again – maybe something like this one.

Maybe red velvet cake for dessert?

I am not sure if I am baking challah – we need challah rolls for Thurs lunch with the cold cuts BUT I thought about making cheesey challah but have yet to find a good recipe.


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