Wednesday, 15 June 2011

‘Gene Simmons Family Jewels’: Shannon Tweed discovers TMZ photo Continue reading on ‘Gene Simmons Family Jewels’: Shannon Tweed discovers TMZ photo

How weird and uncomfortable was it to watch the season premiere of “Gene Simmons Family Jewels?”  Voyeurism at its finest, we kicked off the premiere with Gene and Shannon Tweed at odds over a TMZ photo that caught Gene walking out of a “business meeting” arm in arm with two young blondes.

That sent Shannon, understandably so, into a crying fit, threatening to leave Gene if he didn’t go to counseling.  Which he did--a shrink to be exact.

As I watched “Gene Simmons Family Jewels,” the HBO series “The Sopranos” kept playing in my head over and over.  On “The Sopranos,” Carmela turned a blind eye to everything Tony did--until one day when she sort of stopped doing that and things came to a head.

I got the same feeling watching Tuesday night’s premiere.  And while Gene Simmons is in no way like Tony Soprano, I did see a bit of Carmela in Shannon Tweed.  Stuck in a long relationship with a rock star, Shannon has willingly allowed Gene to bask in his arrested development.

Until today, when (for whatever reason) the TMZ photo seemed to be the straw that broke the camel’s back.

The premiere also dealt with Sophie going to college, and we were treated to a home video montage that showed everything from Shannon holding a newborn Sophie in the hospital to Sophie’s first day in pre-school.


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