Friday 17 June 2011

Rebecca Black’s “Friday” Is Back Just in Time for Friday — On Vevo-Branded Channel [UPDATE]

Update: It seems as though Rebecca Black does not have an official Vevo channel at this time, according to a rep. This channel was not, in fact, created by Vevo. We’re trying to find out more about the Vevo branding and where the channel came from. Either way, it’s back! Enjoy.

Well, this is interesting. We all shed bitter tears Thursday when Rebecca Black‘s poppy hit disappeared from YouTube due to copyright claims from the girl herself. But today, my friends, is Friday, because the video is back once more (also, it’s actually Friday).

Looks like Black has moved to a Vevo-branded channel from her humble beginnings on YouTube. We’ve reached out to Vevo for comment. In the meantime, rejoice! This one appears to be the “Director’s Cut.”


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